Downloading "Astronomy Picture of the Day" with subtitles

Image Credit: NASA (, ESA (, and The Hubble Heritage Team (

Some time back I came across Astronomy Picture of the Day - some picture are really stunning. I wanted to have this as a wallpaper, but subtitled with the description (I still want to know what I am looking at!). So I wrote a Bash-script doing that for me.

It requires the following programs

  • wget
  • html2text
  • convert from "imagemagick"

be accessible within $PATH.

All directory references are relative to the directory it is in. It needs two directories "resized" and "subtitled".

The script doesn't download already downloaded pictures. When called with no parameter it downloads the latest, or you can also alternatively browse their website and pass the URL to it.

You can download the script here.

By the way, APOD also offers a calendar.